Monday, September 9, 2013

Misinformation and Misrepresentation by ToI on Sex

Recently ToI wrote on Sex. There was no author mentioned so it might be the official position. This is written as the ongoing controversy regarding sexual exploitation of a minor by Asaram but ToI has needlessly brought Christianity in the controversy of Asaram.
The title is controversially titled, “Unlike in Christianity, sex isn’t taboo in Hindu spirituality”. You might think this might be related to use of sex in some rituals. But you read further and see the examples of some modern spiritualists as having family. Obviously the article doesn’t quote any examples of Christian leaders having family. E.g. Widow of slain Graham Stains is continuing the work amongst the lepers which was started around 100 years prior and where many such families have worked. It would be pretty big list if I start to list out the names of the married Christians who provided exemplary service to the nation. In most of the Reformed (non-Catholic) traditions, the leaders are always married and have family. ToI also mentions that Hindu rishis had families. Again, ToI doesn’t bother to add that Apostles of Jesus were having family or that how in the Bible family is considered very important. According to Bible celibacy is not the preferred mode, family is. Celibacy is allowed only after serious consideration and utmost commitment.
So, you are left with the thinking that ToI doesn’t differentiate between Catholicism and Christianity and that they are just writing on Catholics. But then you read the quote from the famous Tantric Rajneesh. The quote reads the celibacy as a vow has to be voluntary. Even in this case ToI doesn’t explain the Catholic tradition on celibacy vow. Is it voluntary? Or is it forced? I know of many Catholics who started the path to priesthood and couldn’t cope and came back to normal life, without any hiccups from community. So, does ToI hints in quoting Rajneesh that vow of celibacy has to be voluntary but it can just span a period and then you resume again? Like how Rajneesh used to Tantric Sex?
So, I don’t think official position of ToI understands bible, Catholicism or the non-Catholic Christianity as being practiced in India.
But in one aspect the title seems right. Sex is used in Tantric sex a Yogic way to Nirvana in one stream Hinduism. Vishal Mangalwadi has painstakingly studied Hindu Gurus and written on how sex is used by many Gurus in their tradition. But alas, this is the only thing ToI doesn’t mention. What a pity!
·         For a recent article by Mangalwadi on sex in religious traditions see,

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